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Events and trips out of the house


The UN is an association that is both professionally and socially active.

Annual parties are held which the event committee FNIS is in charge of, and if you are the type who loves to go on trips and learn a lot of new and exciting things, you can join an interest group. As a member of the FN, you have the opportunity to participate in these events and tours. 


If just participating is not enough, you also have the opportunity to help organize social events in FNIS. Read more here .


The interest groups consist of students from the FN and students from the 11 programs represented by the FN. Anyone who is interested in what the interest groups are, do or if you want to become a member can do so here. 
Read more
here about the many different interest groups.



FN News


FN's news is your online magazine written by students from the FN. Here you can e.g. read about what is happening in FN, about social and professional events, campus life, the famous page 9 biotekker etc. 
FN News is published once a block and this means that there are 4 magazines per year. 


Read the latest FN's News here !


FN's Nyt is looking for new editors and writers! Anyone who would like to maintain the wonderful magazine should contact the FN at with the subject "FN's News".


FNIS står for Foreningen af Naturressourcestuderendes Interessante Selskab. 


De laver en masse hyggelige og festlige arrangementer i løber af året. FNIS består af en masse frivillige, som hjælper med at få arrangementerne op at stå. 


Hvis det ikke er nok kun at deltage, har du også muligheden for at hjælpe med at arrangere sociale events i FNIS.




Interessegrupperne består af studerende fra campus som har fælles interesse inden for forskellige områder. Her kan alle melde sig ind, hvis man har interesse for det den pågældende interessegruppe laver. 


Du kan læse mere om de enkelte interessegrupper og tilmelde dig dem nedenfor: 

Gå på campus
Campus udvalget 

Campusudvalget er for dig der gerne vil gøre Frb. Campus til et bedre sted med fokus på studiemiljøet.


Det kan bl.a. være at arrangere en fodboldturnering, nye sofaer til et stille-rum eller elkedler i de små køkkener...


Campusudvalget består af repræsentanter fra de fem faglige foreninger på campus: FB, FN, FEF, FLS og VMF.


Som studerende er det vigtigt at evaluere sine kurser, for at forbedre hvert enkelt kurset. Dette gøres nemmest med gratis småkager og kaffe.


Evalueringscaféen er et samarbejde mellem FB, FN og FEF, som finder sted foran kantinen i vandrehallen i frokostpausen. Det er hver blok i blok uge 7 fra man-tors.


Husk at evaluere for at gøre en forskel for dig og dine medstuderende!

Laptop & Coffee
The association of
Natural resource


The Association of Natural Resource Students

Dyrlægevej 9

1870 Frederiksberg C

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Thanks for your mail! We work hard to respond as quickly as possible. Expect a 2-5 working day waiting time during study periods. We are often closed on public holidays, vacations and midweeks. If you do not hear from us, you can write to us directly on Facebook. 


- The Association of Natural Resource Students

Last edited 15.11.2020


@2017 Foreningen af Naturressourcestuderende

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