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Find your way around campus

It is not always easy to find your way around the Frederiksberg Campus.

We have made a small ABC speed guide with various links.



Auditorium overview


The auditoriums on Campus can be difficult to find, but there is a good guide in the overview.

Ex. in the auditorium: A2-70.01
A2 means Auditorium in area 2.

70 is the building number.

0 is the floor (0 = floor zero).

1 is  the auditorium number .


For more info check the auditorium overview. 


Find the overview here .



Bülowsvej 17 - auditorium overview


In addition to most auditoriums, you can find an overview of the Bülowsvej 17 auditoriums.


Find the overview here .



The library


The University of Copenhagen has many libraries that all students at the University of Copenhagen have access to during opening hours. 
On the Frederiksberg Campus, our library is called KUB Frederiksberg.


Opening hours:
Mon-Thurs: 08-20

Fri: 08-18

Sat-Sun: Closed


Read more about KUB Frederiksberg here .



Frederiksberg Campus


Frederiksberg Campus consists of three large areas 1, 2 and 3. 

Area 1 is located at Dyrlægevej, Bülowsvej and Grønnegårdsvej. Most of the Faculty of Health Sciences is located here, which is affiliated with Frb. Campus. You will also find the library, the Council, the Gimle canteen and the Friday bar A-vej.


Area 2 is located at Thorvaldsensvej and Bülowsvej and has, among other things, the famous Marmorhal and Vandrehal, the PLEN institute, and the canteen Wicked Rabbit (formerly known as Gumle). The new Copenhagen Plant Science Center can also be found here. In addition, Food and Nutrition is also located here, where the Osteklokken, which is a building, can be found at the end of the walking hall towards Rolighedsvej.


Area 3 is located at Rolighedsvej, where IFRO and the Landscape Architects and the Greenhouses are based.


The map shows all three areas.


Find the map here .





It is important to know where the nearest defibrillator is in case of an accident. 
Fortunately, Frederiksberg Campus has several defibrillators around.


Find your nearest defibrillator here .


Find information about the use of a defibrillator here .





At KU you have the option of printing via FollowMe printers. They can be found everywhere on all KU's Campuses around Copenhagen. It costs money to print, but these are VERY student-friendly prices.


1) Log on to WebPrint  here   with your KU username/Swedish number plate (eg abc123) and your code.
2) Once you are logged in, you must upload the document(s) you want to print.
3) Then select the printer "Frb. Campus Printer".
4) Once you have done the above, you must find a printer on Frb. Campus, log in and then print the documents you have uploaded


Transfer money to your WebPrint account  here .





For further information about the Campus, see the Campus dictionary .

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