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Apply for 

Application form for support

If you would like to hold a social or professional event with someone from your studies, the FN support is your opportunity to get financial support to do just that. Please note that you cannot apply for the FN support if the event you are applying for is held in collaboration with an interest group. ​Support for interest groups can be found here.


Here you will find the application form for support for your event. ​


It is very important that the rules for grant applications are read thoroughly. The rules can be found in the attached application form ​


When you have read the rules, you must fill in the form and send it to our email at:, with the title "FN support - application".


Application form








The association of
Natural resource


The Association of Natural Resource Students

Dyrlægevej 9

1870 Frederiksberg C

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Thanks for your mail! We work hard to respond as quickly as possible. Expect a 2-5 working day waiting time during study periods. We are often closed on public holidays, vacations and midweeks. If you do not hear from us, you can write to us directly on Facebook. 


- The Association of Natural Resource Students

Last edited 15.11.2020


@2017 Foreningen af Naturressourcestuderende

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