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Photo: The Student Council at KU

Beginning of your studies

Study start 

Ahh the start of studies, it’s something most students think back to with a smile on their face. This is when you meet your future study mates and maybe make friends for life? The university offers a lot of new opportunities in the form of social and professional elements.


Here you can find information about your upcoming start of studies. You can find everything practical here on the page.


Read a greeting from your future tutor coordinator here (indsæt link til det jeg sendte først), who are also your FN tutor contact.


The starts of studies is something that the vast majority of students have participated in, and there is a good reason why you should also participate. In the year 2024, the start of studies will contain some days where you’ll meet in smaller groups at first, and then you will go on the cabin trip. After the cabin trip, we will all eat together and then go to a bar.

Why you should participate:


  1. You meet new people with whom you will study with for the next several years.

  2. You get one on one experience in the form of social and professional experiences – maybe friends for life?

  3. It’s great fun, cosy, cool, funny, educational, professional and exciting.

  4. You meet nice and committed older students who have been in excactly the same place as you, and they want to give you the best start that they themselves had in their time!


The cabin trip at the FN is organized in collaboration with FB, which is the Association of Biology-Biotechnology Students. This means that in addition to meeting students from your own programme, you also meet students from two other programmes, all of whom have a lot of joint introductory courses at Frb. Campus.


The three programmes participating in the FN/FB cabin trip are:


  • Biotechnology (FB)

  • Environmental and Food Economics (FN)

  • Natural Resources (FN)


This year the cabin trip is divided into two trips in total, both of which are held in cabins in Denmark.


The two cabin trips have the following names:

  • KUlibri

  • KUdyl


Even though you don’t participate in both trips, you will probably get to know all the others from the other trip. Rusbureau, Campus Days and Matriculation Party are held during the introductory course, where all new students from the three programs participate. There will also be events just for your own education.


Read more about your start of studies on your education page on KU’s Intranet

Here it is required that you have your KU login with the “Swedish number plate”, e.g.:

Anker 1
The association of
Natural resource


The Association of Natural Resource Students

Dyrlægevej 9

1870 Frederiksberg C

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Thanks for your mail! We work hard to respond as quickly as possible. Expect a 2-5 working day waiting time during study periods. We are often closed on public holidays, vacations and midweeks. If you do not hear from us, you can write to us directly on Facebook. 


- The Association of Natural Resource Students

Last edited 15.11.2020


@2017 Foreningen af Naturressourcestuderende

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